[Guide] How to Receive Files in Xender?

Xender is used for file transfer between two mobile devices. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you on how to receive files effortlessly with Xender. By utilizing the power of a Wi-Fi connection on your mobile phone, this popular file-sharing application ensures a smooth and efficient process for transferring various types of files between devices. Join us as we take you through a step-by-step journey, enabling you to make the most of Xender and enjoy a simplified file-sharing experience.

How to Receive Files in Xender?

To receive files via Xender need to follow the simple steps below:

Android To Android:

  • Download and install the Xender app.
  • Open the Xender app on your device.
  • Tap on the “+” button located in the app’s interface.
  • Select the “Create Group” option from the menu.
  • Once the group is created, take the other device and open the Xender app.
  • Tap on the “+” button and choose “Join Group“.
  • Look for the device that created the group in the available devices list.
  • Select the desired device to join the group.
  • Once you have successfully joined the group, you can start receiving files via Xender.

Android to Windows Phone:

  • Open the Xender app on your Android device.
  • Tap on the “+” button.
  • Choose “Connect WP”.
  • Now on Windows Phone, go to Wi-Fi settings and connect to the Wi-Fi connection created by your Android device.
  • Now launch Xender on Windows Phone and tap on “+” and choose “Connect Friend”.
  • You will now be connected to the Android device.
  • Now through Xender, you will be able to receive files on your device.

Android to iOS Phone:

  • Download and Launch the Xender app on your Android device.
  • Tap on the “Send” button on your Android device.
  • Choose “Connect iPhone”.
  • Now on the iOS device, go to Wi-Fi settings and connect to the Wi-Fi connection created by your Android device.
  • Now launch Xender on your iOS Device, tap on “+” and choose “Connect Friend”.
  • You will now be connected to the Android device and be able to receive files between the devices.


Xender is a reliable and efficient file-sharing application that simplifies the process of transferring files between mobile devices. With its user-friendly interface and seamless connectivity, receiving files in Xender is straightforward and hassle-free.

Whether you are transferring files from Android to Android, Android to Windows Phone, or Android to iOS Phone, Xender offers step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful transfer. By following the outlined procedures, you can easily connect devices, join groups, and start receiving files with just a few taps.